What are you invoicing today? News

12 jul

Extended support for automatic invoicing from online collections through Stripe

If you automatically generate invoices from online payments through Stripe, we have improved the integration to include even more e-commerce systems.

4 jul

Issuing invoices for worked hours directly from the client dashboard

Using the work logs? With just one click, you can generate invoices (or proformas and orders) based on worked hours, directly from the client dashboard.

26 jun

Improved data collection for automatically Generated Invoices from Stripe Online Payments

Improved data collection for customer and for products/services when the invoice is issued after the client pays online through Stripe.

20 jun

Client dashboard now contains projects and work logs

The client dashboard contains two new tabbed sections: projects and work logs. You will also find details about projects and work logs in the client dashboard exported as PDF.

6 jun

Smart Spreadsheet Imports

When you import a file (invoice lines, clients, products, or work logs), the application identifies and associates the columns in the import table. So you don’t need to follow rigid import templates. Just use whatever import file is best for you, and the app will understand your data. If errors do arise, you can correct the column association before the actual import.

31 may

Enhanced Work Logs

When you add a work log, certain fields will already be filled with data from your most recent logs. This will speed things up for you, especially when entering multiple work logs at once. And if the data pre-filled by the application does not match your project, you can easily make changes.

22 may

Import Work Logs from Excel

Now you can import your work logs data from Excel, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, or Google Sheets files.

17 may

Notifications for Invoice Email Delivery Status

It happens that you send invoices directly from the application and make mistakes when entering email addresses or there may be issues with the client's email servers.
From now on, you will automatically be notified if your invoice email has not been delivered, regardless of whether the issue is temporary and the retransmission is attempted automatically, or if it's a permanent error.

24 apr

Automatically Generate Invoices from Online Payments through Stripe

If your payment process initially relies on online payments through Stripe, you now have the ability to generate and automatically send the corresponding invoice for the client's transaction.
This feature works with any platform that implements payments through Stripe, including our own woocommerce plugin.

17 mar

Automatic recurring issuance of invoices, proformas and orders

The subscriptions(recurrents) defined by you can now issue both invoices and proformas or orders.

15 mar

Add stamps to your invoices

We've added a new feature: Invoice Stamps. Now you can easily personalize your invoices (and other documents) with your companies stamp. Simply upload an image of your stamp and choose its placement within the invoice.

9 mar

Filtering invoices by client country

We have introduced a new filtering criteria, namely the client's country. This way, you can easily filter "domestic" and "foreign" invoices.

25 jan

Generation of invoices automatically upon payment of an order or proforma

You can now configure proformas and orders to automatically generate an invoice when a payment is added.
The generated invoice will include all positions in the order/proforma, and all recorded payments will be automatically associated with the created invoice.

10 jan

Expanding user rights/permissions

Your account user permissions can be configured more granularly, allowing you to determine on an individual basis if a user can:

  • add payments to your invoices, proforma invoices, and orders
  • delete invoices and other documents
  • view other users
5 jan

Expanding Stripe Integration - automatically generate invoices for payments

We have expanded our Stripe integration to automatically generate invoices for all payments processed through the platform.

The invoice information will be derived from the metadata contained within the Stripe callback payloads. To support this new feature, we have also updated our e-commerce plugins to ensure seamless integration.